Lumen 22-5 Book Report Posted – July 12, 2022 Irrelevant tid bit – Warning: dates on the calendar are closer than they appear. This is about three interesting, although difficult to read, book(s) – The Illuminatus! trilogy by Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson. The three books in the trilogy are “The Eye in the Pyramid”, “The Golden Apple”, and “Leviathan”. A Rolling Stone review included in the book says, “A hundred pages in I couldn’t figure out why I was wasting my time with this nonsense.” I agree with that evaluation as the book has many characters, does not follow any consistent time frame (it jumps from 1500 to 1975), and several times develops a complex story line only to then tell you it is all false – very confusing. So why tell you about such a disaster? The story is not that important, but it explores interesting ideas and is thought provoking, using a science-fiction format. ...
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