Lumen 21-13 Why Do We Love the Praise of Other Humans? December 8, 2021 Irrelevant tid bit – I can live for two months on a good compliment. Mark Twain From Lumen 21-1, 4.0 GREGARIOUSNESS/TEAMWORK - We want to be near each other so much that we live clumped up in cities when we could be spread out over the countryside. The worst punishments are banishment, shunning, excommunication, solitary confinement, the silent treatment, exile. Hermits are considered weird and loneliness is a major psychological problem. A refined aspect of our gregarious nature is that if we form groups dedicated to a single or a set of purposes, we accomplish much more that if we work alone. This goes beyond each person sharing th...
Showing posts from December 5, 2021